Riley came to us with a sad story. He suffered brain damage at birth when the placenta obscured his mouth and nose, resulting in several minutes of oxygen deprivation to the brain. He was carted to the vet in a wheelbarrow as he was unable to walk. But this sad story has a happy ending... Riley was with us for nearly a year before finding his forever home with Lisa Franks, who was fostering one of our other residents, Little Pickles. One of our directors, Jasmine, has put in a lot of work with Riley including taking him out on trail rides and exposing him to new experiences and surroundings. Riley is so quiet and calm that he could fall asleep with some gentle pats on the head. His heart is full of content as he discovers life's pleasures after a slow start. Riley has blossomed well in his time with us and continues to grow everyday at his new home in the South-West region.
*Already re-homed.