Little Pickles
Little Pickles is our delightful little 5 year-old mare of 14hh. She was bred for pacing, but never trialled due to a strong dislike of hopples! She is full of life and has a cheeky side to her but unfortunately came to us with trauma which Dale has worked hard towards healing. She is a great companion horse and loves to be paired with a gelding. Little Pickles was living at a property with her foster mom, Lisa Franks, for over 18 months, but has now returned to us to hopefully find her forever home. During that time, LP received numerous sound bowl healing and reiki therapy sessions, as well as some tender loving care. This time of healing was spent with her paddock buddy Riley, who was rescued by and now lives with Lisa. LP is educated under saddle and confident on trail rides, but can be green out of the paddock.
Re-homing fee: $4000
Progress notes from Lisa:
"Over the past eighteen months and since her arrival here, Pixie has grown immeasurably in herself. The first 12 months of her stay she re-learnt the way of just having to be a horse (no more no less) and roamed the property with Riley content to just "BE". There was minimal training initially in relation to feed time issues (which alleviated much angst for us all) but apart from that there was no pressure or expectation placed on her of any sort. She participated in and grew to love our sound healing session together with Riley. Reiki was also performed on her a couple times per week. In August and along with Riley she was a demonstration horse and willing recipient of a weekend of Emmett Therapy Course held here on the property. As her sense of wellbeing increases, so does her trust and confidence. Her demeanour is becoming soft and more trusting, and she is growing into an elegant and kind horse. Pixie is strong willed, extremely intelligent and quick to learn, and with the right approach, patience, kindness and love, will continue growing to become a kind, elegant and lovely horse. Riley and I will miss her, it has been a great pleasure sharing our lives and watching her grow and wish only good things and the very best for her future."